項目 |
G |
G コード |
G パン[(和) jeans+pants] |
G マーク[good design mark] |
G1[grade one] |
G3[Group of Three] |
G5[Group of Five; Conference of Ministers and Governors of the Group of Five] |
G7[Group of Seven; Conference of Ministers and Governors of the Group of Seven] |
G8[Group of Eight; Conference of Ministers and Governors of the Group of Eight] |
G15[Group of 15] |
G 77[Group of 77] |
g[gram(s); (フ) gramme] |
g[gravity] |
GA1[Gabonese Republic] |
GA2[Garuda Indonesia Airways] |
GA3[general agent] |
GA4[general average] |
GA5[genetic algorithm] |
Ga[gallium] |
GAB1[Gabonese Republic] |
GAB2(ギャブ)[General Arrangement to Borrow] |
GABA(ギャバ)[γ-aminobutyric acid] |
GAISF[General Association of International Sports Federation] |
Gal[gal] |
gal.[gallon] |
GAM[Republic of the Gambia] |
GAME[Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Asian Monsoon Experiment] |
γ-GTP[γ-glutamyl transpeptidase] |
GAO(ガオ)[General Accounting Office] |
GARIOA(ガリオア)[Government and Relief in Occupied Areas Fund] |
GARP(ガープ)[Global Atmospheric Research Program] |
GASP(ギャスプ)[Group Against Smoker's Pollution] |
GATT(ガット)[General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] |
GAW[Global Atmosphere Watch] |
GB1[giga byte] |
GB2[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland] |
GB 理論[theory of government and binding] |
GBR[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland] |
GCA[ground-controlled approach system] |
GCC[Gulf Cooperation Council] |
GCD[greatest common divisor] |
GCF[greatest common factor] |
GCM[greatest common measure] |
GCOS[Global Climate Observing System] |
GCP[good clinical practice] |
GCR[gas-cooled reactor] |
GCS[Global Custody Service] |
G-CSF[granulocyte-colony stimulating factor] |
GCT, G.C.T.[Greenwich civil time] |
GD[Grenada] |
Gd[gadolinium] |
GDE[gross domestic expenditure] |
GDI1[gasoline direct injection] |
GDI2[graphics device interface] |
GDP[gross domestic product] |
GDP ギャップ[GDP gap] |
GDP 弾性値[energy-GDP elasticity] |
GDP デフレーター[gross domestic product deflator] |
GDR[German Democratic Republic] |
GE1[General Electric Company] |
GE2[grant element] |
GE3[Republic of Georgia] |
Ge[(ド) Germanium] |
Ge 検出器[germanium semiconductor detector] |
GEC[General Electric Company] |
GEF(ジェフ)[Global Environment Facility] |
GEIC[Global Environment Information Center] |
GEM(ジェム)[ground-effect machine] |
GEMS(ジェムス)[global environmental monitoring system] |
GEO[Republic of Georgia] |
GeO-TOC 計画[Geophysical and Oceanographical Trans Ocean Cable Project] |
GEQ[Republic of Equatorial Guinea] |
GER[Federal Republic of Germany] |
GF[French Guiana] |
GFRP[glass fiber reinforced plastics] |
GG 石油[government-to-government crude oil] |
GGG[gadolinium-gallium garnet] |
GH1[growth hormone] |
GH2[Republic of Ghana] |
GHA[Republic of Ghana] |
GHG[greenhouse gases] |
GHQ[General Headquarters] |
GI1[Gibraltar] |
GI2[Government Issue] |
GIF(ジフ)[graphics interchange format] |
.gif[graphics interchange format] |
GIFT[gamete intra-fallopian transfer] |
GIG[Galeao] |
GII[global information infrastructure] |
GIIC[global information infrastructure commission] |
GIS1[geographic information system] |
GIS2[global information system] |
GISA[Geographic Information System Association] |
GIT[group inclusive tour] |
GK1[goal keeper] |
GK2[goal kick] |
GL[Greenland] |
GLOBE[Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment] |
GLP[good laboratory practice] |
GM1[general manager] |
GM2[General Motors Corporation] |
GM3[Republic of the Gambia] |
GM 管[Geiger-Muller counter] |
gm[gram(s)] |
GMAT[Graduate Management Admission Test] |
GmbH[(ド) Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung] |
GMDSS[Global Maritime Distress and Safety System] |
G-men[Government men] |
GMOs[genetically modified organisms] |
GMP[good manufacturing practice] |
GMS[general merchandise store] |
GMT[Greenwich mean time] |
GN[Republic of Guinea] |
GNB[Republic of Guinea-Bissau] |
GND[gross national demand] |
GNE[gross national expenditure] |
GNP[gross national product] |
GNP 弾性値[energy-GNP elasticity] |
GNW[gross national welfare] |
GOLKAR[(インドネシア) Golongan Karya] |
GOOS[global oceans observing system] |
GOT[glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase] |
GP1[(フ) Grand Prix] |
GP2[Guadeloupe] |
GPALS[Global Protection Against Limited Strikes] |
GPCP[global precipitation climate program] |
GPMSP[good post-marketing surveillance practice] |
GPS[global positioning system] |
GPSP[good post-marketing surveillance practice] |
GPT[glutamic pyruvic transaminase] |
GQ[Republic of Equatorial Guinea] |
GR[Hellenic Republic] |
gr1[grain] |
gr2[(フ) gramme] |
gr.[gross] |
GRAS(グラス)リスト[generally recognized as safe list] |
GRC[glass fiber reinforced cement(concrete)] |
GRE[Hellenic Republic] |
GRN[Grenada] |
GRO[γ-ray observatory] |
GRP[gross rating point] |
GRT[group rapid transit] |
GRU[Sao Paulo] |
GS1[gas station] |
GS2[(和) group+sounds] |
Gs[gauss] |
GSDF[Ground Self-Defense Forces] |
GSM[Global System for Mobile communications] |
G.S.M.[(フ) groupe special mobile] |
GSP[Government Selling Price] |
GSR[galvanic skin response] |
GT1[grand touring car] |
GT2[Greenwich time] |
GT3[group technology] |
GT4[Republic of Guatemala] |
G.T.O.[(イ) Gran Turismo Omologare] |
GT-R[grand touring-racing version] |
GU[Guam] |
GUA[Republic of Guatemala] |
GUI1[graphical user interface] |
GUI2[Republic of Guinea] |
GUM[Guam] |
GUT[grand unified theory] |
GUY[Co-operative Republic of Guyana] |
GVA[Geneve; Geneva] |
GVH 反応[graft-versus-host reaction] |
GW1[(和) Golden+Week] |
GW2[Republic of Guinea-Bissau] |
gw[gram-weight] |
GWP[global warming potential] |
GY1[Co-operative Republic of Guyana] |
GY2[green-yellow] |
Gy[gray] |
.gz[gzip] |